Affordable Accomodation Alternatives for Sim Racers


Travelling all over the world to race can be expensive. Sure, you deserve the best, first class accomodations, but what about your family, crew, cats? Well here are some helpful suggestions for alternative accomodations near the race. 

This shack by the castle at Saint Croix is conveniently located. A perfect place for your family while you stay at the castle. 

Boats on the docks at Dragon Trail Seaside are always empty. Sleep in luxury on the ocean. Just be sure to leave before the owners come back. 

Need to charge your phone? No problem. Every windmill at Sardenga comes with free electricity. 

Parking in Tokyo can be very expensive. Lots of parking near the docks.Very convenient if you're travelling by sea.  

Nature. Plenty of camping spots at Trial Mountain. 

Outhouses are at almost every location. NPCs hardly ever use them. Clean and free. Can't beat that.